"Before the operation I could not walk and it hurt. With my new limb I finally can go to school." (Noel Lekinje, 12 years old patient from Monduli)
Treatment and Therapy
Step 2: Sick persons or disabled children will be treated as a matter of priority, also to ensure school attendance. Traumatized children will receive psychological support.
Poor HIV-positive orphans are frequently weak and underweight. These children will receive good medical support to reduce the virus load. They will then be admitted to our Canaan Children Centre for HIV-positive children. Based on a stable and secure home, healthy nutrition and good medication they can soon live quite normally, can attend school and have a good life expectancy.
Traumatized children who were subjected to violence or abuse are treated by a psychologist first. Also, the realization about a HIV-infection can be a traumatic experience that will require technically adequate and affectionate care.
The Rehabilitation Centre in Monduli is often the first point of contact for disabled children. The Centre was not established by us but we continue to use and support this well-equipped and positioned institution for the disabled which is unique in Tanzania.
Disabled children will receive good care as a first priority. Often, they will receive the first affectionate feedback in their lives. If necessary, these children will be treated in hospitals by relevant medical teams (at times volunteers from the foreign countries). The children will receive professional physiotherapy after surgeries including wheelchairs or prostheses. The children can attend school on the premises of the Monduli Rehabilitation Centre which helps them to get reintegrated into their families.
During regular visits even in remote villages, sensitization and counselling take place to inform about the causes and the potential treatment of disabilities. Through our support we could ensure that many children received a necessary prosthesis that makes a normal life in the family and school possible for them. Furthermore, we created IT-based jobs for blind persons and provide continuing education for especially gifted students.
We require donations so that we can help as many children as possible, in particular with treatments, surgeries, food, housing, wheelchairs, prostheses etc. |