Background: The fund raising activities to support of development projects in Africa began in 2005 with the initiative of Friederike who worked as an advisor for three months in Tansania: "I was and still am impressed by the excellent work of our local Tansanian project partners." Since 2005, new projects have been initiated and existing programs have been developed further. In 2011, we established the non-profit organisation "Partnerschaft für Afrika” in accordance with German (tax) laws. The core problem: The HIV/AIDS epidemic has affected almost an entire generation of parents in Tanzania, leaving behind many orphans for whom the government cannot provide. The impending neglect of such children and young people is also a serious factor in destabilising the society. Such children are particularly vulnerable to crime and prostitution, radicalisation or flight. Our core objective: We help - through education and help to self-help - to build the next generation as a pillar of a new, strengthened society. We fight the causes of flight and radicalization - two of the most pressing problems of our time. Why Tanzania? Tanzania is a relatively stable country in East Africa. Tanzania’s stability (to- gether with Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda) contri- butes to peace in a region that is affected by various destabilizing influences in neighbou- ring countries: civil war/unrest in Congo and Burundi, terrorist militias in Somalia, refugees from Burundi and Congo in border camps. Why education? Children and young people are the country's future. At the same time, they face the hardest time when society is not able to provide them with a good education. In many African countries, children in particular can rarely escape the vicious circle of poverty, disease and lack of prospects. What does the government do? Even though Tanzania is a relatively well functioning state and a stable democracy the country is not yet able to create the necessary social network and preconditions for the needs of the population. International organizations (World Bank, EU, African Development Bank….) are currently helping close the gaps in various areas of the country's development, including the implementation of large infrastructure projects, administrative reforms or anti- corruption programs. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), especially smaller ones, are focused to make a contribution at the grassroot level. A drop in the ocean? "Partnership for Africa" is one of the smaller NGO´s, engaged in Tanzania. However, we can work effectively due to short decision paths and the fact that all costs are covered privately. One thing is clear: "Partnership for Africa" cannot save the world. But together we can contribute to the stabilisation of the country, and we can provide humanitarian aid and poverty alleviation for a good number of people. There are others who provide assistance in addition to us – every partner with different priorities - and in the end a significant difference is made for the people of Tanzania.In so far we rather contribute some puzzle pieces to the big picture instead only beeing a drop in the ocean. This idea is also beeing reflected by our logo.