

December 2024 - Movietime - our work in the movie!

Our new short film is here! It gives a great overview of our work for children in need. Whenever we're out and about, we have our camera with us and capture intense and impressive here to watch the movie!


December 2024 - Fundraising on all channels!

As every year around Christmas, our fundraising campaigns are in full swing: auctions, potato cake sales, raffles and our beautiful stand at the Krefeld Christmas market help us to collect the necessary donations. The main focus is on school fees for our orphans for the coming year so that they can all continue to go to school!

October 2024 - Projectvisit in Tansania

After six months of administrative work at home on financial reports, tax returns, project reports, address distribution lists etc., we are now looking forward to the next project trip to Tanzania. As always, we will take a look at all the new developments and develop strategies for the future with our teams. Of course, budget planning will be at the forefront, as the donations we receive will determine what we can implement next year. Above all, we hope that all children can continue to go to school!


August 2024 - Audit reveals no objections

Every three years, we voluntarily have our association management audited by an independent auditor at our own expense. The result of our meticulous bookkeeping is impressive: no complaints whatsoever! We are proud that we now have it in black and white that we are handling our donors' money responsibly!


Juni 2024 - New Members on Bord

We are delighted to welcome three new members to our group of six founding members! Partnership for Africa is deliberately a small association in terms of membership, but it achieves great things. Certified tourism specialist and Management assistant Julia Eger, psychologist Johanna Flümann and biomedical scientist Paula psychologist Johanna Flümann and biomedical engineer Paula Flümann have already gained some experience on site with our projects and have been actively following our work for years. Karibou - Welcome! mehr...


Mai 2024 - Riders for Arfica goes to the next season!

Riders for Afrika: the next season for several horse competitions has started and our supoorters are busy to make our organization well known. They care for info desks, hang banners or buy saddle pads with our logo as give aways and awards for the winnners. A big hug and thanks for all your efforts!

Mai 2024 - New Press Articles

In May we are happy about two new articles about our activities: one was released by a German Riders Magazin and one by the newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Aachen. We hope that many people read and like what we do!

April 2024 - New Annual Report released

After closing the last year´s activity cycle and after our annual board meeting, the new annual report has been released. All details about our project work and finances you will find in our e-book version on this page. Read more....



December 2023 - Christmas Market in Krefeld

In December 2023 we were part of the "Besonderer Weihnachtsmarkt", a special Christmas market for NGO´s in the center town in Krefeld.  All kind of "nice" stuff from Africa and Germany were sold to the benefit to our projects for children!

November 2023 - Project visit in Tanzania

During our regular visits in Tanzania we evaluate the current and former activities and plan for the next steps of development of our projects. For 2024 we planned 9 bigger and middle size projects and we keep on fundraining in Germany, Europe, USA and Switzerland. Our project partners in Africa guarantee the good and timely implementation of all measures.


October 2023 - Thüringeti Auction

First activity for our fundraising activities at the end of the year was the mailing of our Arusha report with an up-date about the progress of our projects. In October this will be followed by the first fundraising event towards the end of the year: the auction of a pony for the benefit of the projects for our children in need. We are happy about this generous donation of the "Thüringeti" in Crawinkel in eastern Germany and we wish the new owners all the best for their new horse!


August/September 2023 - Sponsor meetings

We used the summer to continue the personal relations with our sponsors. The trips through Germany brought us to Munich, Unterhaching, Hohenpeißenberg and Hamburg. We were able tp present our donors the effect of their donations in a personal dialogue. We are very greatful for the hospitality and look forward to further cooperation!

July 2023 - Neck Cushion for better reading

In July we sold our special neck cushion for better reading in various African patterns: in bed, at sun-chairs or placed on the balley as book support. The cushion are indispensable for everyone who likes to relax with or without reading! 


June 2023 - Flee market for Africa

Last year it rained cats and dogs - this year we were seeking for shade: the flee market sale was very successfull and we were lucky to have the finest wether of June! The initiative took Julia Hens, our volontary worker since more than one year - and she motivated her friends to help with selling all kinds of items. The result: 1000 EUR for Children in need. Congratulations!



May 2023 - Presentation at Africa Primaray School event in Krefeld

It is important to start with the youngest students and to motivate them to look over their own fence. This was the aim of the Afrika School event at the Primary Scholl in Krefeld. We were happy to get the opportunity for a good presenation of our work and we were also happy to get support from the school for our project work!


April 2023 - Online Auction for  "Riders for Africa"

It was the second online auction initiated by the Vetmedicum company in Germany: the two therapy pads for horses were sold to well meaning horse people who liked to support our projects! Thanks to Ilga Bähre and Uta Gräf for their support which also helped to make our work more known among the riders!




March 2023 - Our Projectwork in the News

After finishing our project visit in Tanzania we found good news in our local newspaper: the article about our support for disabled children in Monduli and about the opeining of our new Safehouses brought a couple of contacts and good feedback.  Read more.....


January 2023 - Famoso becomes new Africa Ambassador

Foto1 kleinAfter retiring Daily Mirror from sports the ambassador "job" wasn´t vacant for a long time: Famoso is going to take over and we thank his owner Flora Keller and his rider, Benjamin Werndl very much for theit committment and we wish the team good luck for further successfull competitions on the highest international dressage level!





December 2022 - Fundraising marathon

As in the previous years in the weeks before Christmas it´s the time for many people to think about donations. Luckily many of our donors remembered the projects for children in need. We would like to thank for all the good and creative initiatives and for the generosity of our sponsors!



October/November 2022Caretaker Anna with Mria Dahaye children - Autum project visit in Africa

Our second project visit in this year could luckily be conducted virtually! Due to a sudden heavy flu, the two board directors could not fly and left the field for our former volunteer Insa. She could inspect on behalf of the directors many projects and report back to Germany. The meetings have then taken place via Zoom meetings and now we have a full picture about the status of the projects and also could discuss about the new budgets and strategies! Thanks to Corona we knew already how!



September 2022 - First flee Market in Krefeld

IMG 20220910 WA0020Not the best conditions for the first flee market for Partnership for Africa: Rain, wind and almost no visitors. But our team around  Julia Hens didn´t give up and did it´s best. They achieved a very good result despite the difficult conditions! The initial start has been made and now we look forward to better weather conditions in the next summer!



September 2022 - Successful tombola for "Riders for Africa"!

20220905 155724 miniDuring the Seminar for the personal members of the German Federal Riders Association (FN) at the stable of Uta Gräf we could launch a very successful tombola for our initiative "Riders for Africa"! But this was not all - three weeks later we repeated this successful concept during the open training day with Uta Gräf and Stefan Schneider. Additionally they donated 5 Euro of each ticket for Riders for Africa!






July 2022 - Handover of the Federal Cross of Merit to Friederike Heidenhof

The Major of her hometown Krefeld, Frank Meyer, handed over the Federal Cross of Merit to Friederike Heidenhof - on behalf of the German President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Friederike, who has initiated "Partnership for Africa" many years ago emphazised that this award is the result of the common contribution of all sponsors and supporters of the work in the past 17 years!

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April/May 2022 +++ New Call for Donations +++

The Ukraine war hits our orphanges and schools currently very hard - the expenses for school meals are expoding and it´s becoming more and more diffucult to feed all children. We need donations to relieve this current emergency situation as well as for the further develoment of our orphanage farm - in order to make schools and orphanages increasinly independent from Russian and Urainian cereals and also independent from rising food prices on the markets... Donate here - it will help immediately...!

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April 2022 - Federal Cross Of Merit for Friederike Heidenhof

Sensational good news for "Partnerschaft für Afrika": Friederike Heidenhof has just been awarded the Federal Cross of Merit (Bundesverdienstkreuz) by the President of Germany Franz-Walter Steinmeier.  It is the highest award the Federal Republic of Germany can provide to an individual person.  She received this medal of honour in recognition of her leadership and work with Partnership for Africa.   It does not include any financial support. We are all very proud of this award which is a reflection of the relevance of Friederike’s engagement, the work of Partnership for Africa and the tremendous support from all our sponsors.

December 2021 - PFA in the News

The German Newspaper "Rheinische Post" launched in early December a good article about our acitivities for the women - mostly HIV positive mothers of our children. They have been supported for years and they are now able to start a small business to earn money for their living. The Potatoe Flakes we showed them how to cook proved as ideal for selling in their envirronment.


December 2021 - Wehorse Christmas activities

This year, the online learning platform "wehorse" launches again a Christmas donation initiative inorder to motivate riders and other horsemen and -women to support "Riders for Africa" in Germany and in the US!


Dezember 2021 - Uta-Gräf-Presentation Modehaus Röther

A special event for fundraising will be presented by the big cloth shopping mall "Modepark Röther" in Weinheim  on December, 11, 2021  more information....


November 2021 - Zonta Christmas bags

Instead of the ususal big basar, the Zonta women "Krefeld am Rhein" launched a very creative event: they sold surprise bags with small gifts, like jam, books and others to the benefit of "Partnerschaft für Afrika".




October 2021 - Thüringeti-Pony for the good purpose

As in the previous years, the Agrarcrawinkel GMBH offerd to auction one of their horses to the benefit of our projects! The little Konik pony found quickly a new owner and the organization donated for our initiative Aktion "Riders for Afrika"!


March 2021 - 10 years of Partnerschaft für Afrika - new Annual Report released!

It is now 10 years since we founded "Partnership for Africa" and 15 years ago we started our project work in Tansania. Just in time for the jubilee, we released our new Annual Report with lots of pictures and information about the most important milestones, current developments and future plans....annual report 2020.


August 2020 / March 2021 - Virtual Project visit

Due to the Corona restrictions we were unable to travel personnally to Tanzania after our last visit in February 2020. This is why we dicided to organize a "Virtual Project visit" with a row of Zoom-Meetings, exchange of news and pictures and evaluation of reports via e-mail. It was quite sucessfull as all parties were well prepared and focussed!


June 2020 - Partnerschaft für Afrika in the News

Happy to see an article about our new orphanage in the German Newspaper! Mid of June, the "Rheinische Post" reported about our work of the last 15 years in Tanzania and the opening of the Living Water Children Center!


June 2020 - Corona Update for our donors

How is the situation in Tanzania in times of Corona? This question might have had many of our friends and sponsors and we gave answers as far as we can judge from here about the real situation. Fact is, all schools and universities were closed down and our children had to go back to their rest families in the slums. Due to the missing school food, we had to deliver emergency food to their homes as the families are too poor to serve additional meals. At the beginning of the crisis we held almost daily video conferences with our projekct partners, but the real picture remeins in-transparent until today. By end of June, all schools will be opend again. Only then we will know exactly how our schools and orphanages will be affected by the crisis.


April/May 2020 - Successful fundraising event on Betterplace

To be creative in difficult situation is one thing we learned through our work in many years in Africa. Beeing frustrated due to the cancellation of all fundraising events because of Corona would not be a wise solution long term. As we faced at the same time high costs to cover the unexpected expenses in Tansania for food aid and other needs we initiated successful fundraising events on the internet platform "Betterplace". For example, we provided mothers with sewing machines in order to provide them with an alternative to lost job oportunities. They were busy then to produce anti Corona masks for our projects children and staff.


April 2020 - First virtual board meeting

Our 2020 board meeting has been conducted virtually for the first time in April. As some of our founding members live at different places in Germany, it was even more convenient to meet online. Good ideas and fruitful discussions brought us again some good steps forward. The directors of the board have been re-elected and also the annual report and the proposed workprogram 2020 have been accepted by the board.




Februar 2020 - Successful project visit to Tanzania

Shortly before the Corona outbreak we could manage to visit our projects in Tanzania for evaluation and future planning, together with our local partners. And last but not least: to visit our children for reports to their sponsors! Apart from many meetings and workshops we were happy about the new orphanage and the opening of further buildings. During our visit of families in the slums of Arusha, we found three further orphans who uregently needed our help. Now they have a new and safe home in the new Living Water Children Center!


December 2019 / January 2020 - Cooking for Africa

The campaign "Cooking for Africa" was initiated by two hobby chefs from Krefeld and has poven to be a successful model for collecting donations for children in need. The priciple is quite easy: inviting friends, cooking and collecting money from the guests. Who would like to know more, see "Cooking for Africa". We took the idea and now start a real campaign for more donations. Please contact us if you want to participate!


October 2019 - Charity Pony sold!

The Thüringeti-Pony ´Tayo found a new owner!  Kathrin Huber, Uta Gräf and Yvonne Gutsche initiated the deal together with Heinz Bley from Agrarcrawinkel GmbH: Kathrin auctioned the grey pony, and Yvonne trained it for one year to become a nice and calm children´s friend. Not only the auction price, but also the selling price of 4000 EUR were donated!

September 2019 - Open Training with Uta Gräf and Stefan Schneider

"Riders for Africa" on tour: Around 2000 EUR out of two tombolas, cake-selling and parts of the entrance fees went to our education fund.  Thanks to all who supported those two successful days at Rothenkircherhof!

August 2019 - New shoes for orphans

To buy new shoes for 46 children is quite expensive. Thanks to the initiative of our relatives we were able to equip 92 feet with sports shoes - in the right colors and sizes for the daily use in the Canaan Center for HIV-positive children!

August 2019 - New orphanage open!

Now almost everything is complete - the first dormitory and the playground of our new Living Water Children Center! The children can move in and they were excited about their new home! 100 Children can live here as soon as the second dormitory, the family house and the dining hall are completed as well.




June 2019 - Horse competition in Heroldsberg

The yearly horse show in Heroldsberg is an attraction for all riders in southern Germany. During the event with high level jumping and dressage tests on international level, we could use the opportunity to promote our initiative "Riders for Africa". Ambassador Uta Gräf, supported by our volonteer Liane Klahn, promoted the initiative among the guests and riders very successfully.

May 2019 - Ammerbucher Horsefestival

Uta Gräf and Stefan Schneider actors at the Ammerbucher Horsefestival on May, 18, in southern Germany. "Riders for Africa" will be supported by a tombola and als parts of the entrance fees are donted to our education fund.

 April 2019 - Open house event with Loesdau

The Pferdesporthaus Loesdau opens the doors for companies on April, 13, and gives them the opportunity to present their products to the public. The merchandising products, such as riding pads and cups, are presented by our volonteer Liane Klahn, who is never tired to promote "Riders for Africa!"





April 2019 - Daily Mirror startet für Afrika!

Daily Mirror, the world class international dressage horse, owned by Flora Keller, is nominated for the world-cup final in Göteborg! Benjamin Werndl succeeded in the quilifiying contests so that our ambassador horse can prove his excellence among the top riders in the world. "Riders for Africa" wishes the team good luck!




Thriller Dinner 2018

On September, 13, 2018 in the Krefeld restaurant "Nordbahnhof" we organized a thriller dinner. Our guests were asked to find the murder - while having a nice dinner and lots of fun!

Show Cooking 2018 - International Horseriding Event in Verden

Wolfgang Pade and the Hannoveranian breeders association inititated a show cooking event which will take place on August 4, 2018 in Verden. During the international horseriding event, many well known riders will be on the spot - such as Meredith Michaels Beerbaum, one of the most successful jumping horse riders, who supported the show cooking for "Partnerschaft für Afrika" in 2017. We look forward to many guests and donations for the good purpose!



Sponsored walk in 2017- Disabled for disabled children

The school for disabled children in Kaarst/Germany had an excellent idea: a sponsored walk for other disabled children! The children, parents and teacher run around the sports arena, motivated by sponsors waiting for the results. More than 1600 EUR for the operation and treatment of disabled children in Monduli, one of our supported projects!



Road Bike Charity Tour - Around Germany by Bike

One of our supporters, Tim Rulands, is a true sportsman: his plan was to cruise 2000 km through Germany - as a fundraising tour for our HIV-positive children in Tanzania. He wanted to sell 10 EUR/Kilometer to sponors. The tour started on April, 1, and he finished on April, 23, 2016 - his 30th birthday.  Finally he collectet nearly € 11.000!!! for our children. A big "THANK YOU" for your performance, 2.687 kilometers on bike in 23 days" and the money for our organization!

More information (in german language): One klick here....

DSC_0025_miniDressage riders engagement for Africa - Book and DVD series contain adverts for projects

Uta Gräf, the sucessful Grand-Prix-Dressage ride, and Friederike Heidenhof, her horseback riding student, publish a book and three DVD about classic dressage and the motivation of horses. All media contain the information about the work of "Partnership for Africa" initiated by Friederike Heidenhof and supported by Uta Gräf.


Gangelter Olivenhainsymposium IMG_6653_miniSculpture Garden will be stablished

Around his "Alte Ziegelei" in Gangelt, Johannes Heinrichs plans to establish a sculpture garden in order to attract visitors and artists from all regions. After the sucessfull first Gangelter Olivenhainsymposium, ten sculptures build the basis for the growing oart. It is planned to invite further artists during the following year and to integrate the old wood of dead olive trees in the park. Light and action will complete the garden.



Drought in East Africa - Call for donations

The World Food Program (WFP) is expected to run out of food reserves in September. Many of the children and families, we support in the different programs and centers depend on food aid from the WFP. This is why we call for emergency action for the first time. Our project partners need to buy food now als long something is available on the world food markets. If the food prices double (or more) in the next month, only half of the children can be fed. This time we need support in order to cover this emergency beside the support of long-term sustainable development programs.

To the beneifit of Africa - Arts events with olive trees from Portugal

Around 160 trees stand behind the "Alte Ziegelei" in Gangelt/Germany and wait for theIMG_3025_klein right artist to create a skulpture out of the hard wood. The idea: parts of the benefit of the skulptures shall be donated for "Partnership for Africa" in order to support the orphanage for HIV-positive children. Johannes Heinrichs bought the trees out of an olive plantation in Portugal and shipped them to Germany. The call for artists for a symposium for wood art in September 2011 ends end of May 2011.




Further activities

  • 11. December 2012: Presentation for Lions Club Bad Dürkheim/Kaiserslautern

  • 18.-30. September 2011 Social Safari: Project visit and safari

  • 25. November 2012: official inauguration ceremony for the orphangage in Kisongo

  • 7. July 2012: Präsentation for former governmental hospital in Krefeld

  • July - December 2012: Photo exhibition Tierarztpraxis Krüger/Pier, Krefeld


Recent activities

  • December 2011: Project mission to Arusha, Tanzania

  • September 2011: Symposium for Wood-Art, Gangelt (Charity)

  • July/August 2011: Call for vacination, Vet-doc Dr. Heike Axmacher, Worms

  • July, 13, 2011: Presentation for Rotary-Women´s club, Münster

  • July, 12, 2011: Presentation for Rotary-Women´s club, Krefeld

  • March, 31, 2011: Approval of tax exemption through financial authorities

  • March, 25-27, 2011: Infocounter Young Horse competition show, Krefeld

  • March 7-23, 2011: project-mission to Arusha, Tanzania

  • 15. January 2011: Member´s assembly and foundation of "Partnership for Africa"

  • December 2, - Januar, 13, 2011: BBBank Karlsruhe: Presentation and photo exhibition

  • November 1-30, 2010: Umweltbibliothek Chemnitz: presentation and photo exhibition

  • November 3, 2010: aid Bonn: Presentationabout knowledge transfer in developing countries

  • 2010: Zürich - International symposium, knowledge transfer in developing countries

  • 2010: Schule der Begegnung, Gangelt: Presentation "Afrika - Facetten eines Kontinents"

  • 2010: Universitäty of Bonn: presentation knowledge transfer in developin countries

  • 2009: Zonta Club Krefeld, charity event: presentation and photo exhibition

  • 2009: Stadtbibliothek Wiesbaden Bierstadt: presentation and phot exhibition


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